Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Double Marathon this Summer


28 M Indian;
UG – Engineering, Chennai, India;
Grad – Engineering, Midwest, US;
Work – 3.5 years in Consulting, Financial Services, Boston

Let me start with a brief intro, so far I have taken the route, without much discretion or inner direction, similar to many other city kids in India. After my dreams of entering the portals of IIT doomed, I went to an obscure engineering college in Chennai. I spent the 4 years with good intentions of having a right balance of studying and fun, but overtime the balance tilted more towards the non-scholastic activities – Dept student secretary, Placement cell head, played all sports that were made available to us. But I managed to pass out among the top 5 rank holders without much effort and with good memories & friends. Then I went on to pursue a master’s degree on a full scholarship at a Midwest school. Those 2 years at grad school were truly wholesome, was the first time away from home and managing my own financials. In those two years, I had a chance to reflect on myself, learnt essential life lessons, and made friends for life. I also briefly interned at a company, which fetched me my current job.

Work: 3.5 years of Process improvement, Re-engineering, Work measurement, Metrics, Org Design

My work profile is quite uncommon among my compatriots and I always find it difficult to explain to them on what I do. So far I have climbed the corporate ladder at a brisk pace. I have a patent pending for some work I did couple of years back. My work is good, requires analytical and problem solving skills, and has helped to face and solve real business problem. But my current work profile is not something I plan to do for my entire life or have it as a career.

Running: 1- Half Marathon, 2 – 25K, 1 – Full Marathon (cancelled)

As a newcomer to Boston, in the spirit of occupying myself I joined a running club. I have trained with them for 2 marathons. First time around, I injured myself few weeks before the marathon day, and the physio recommended that I’m better off not running the marathon. The second time around, I was at mile 21, when they called-off the marathon due to excessive heat. The dream of running a marathon is still unfinished.

GMAT: Try again

I took my GMAT last summer, scored a decent number but not good enough to outshine in my pool. I have decided to try again.

Target School: Top 5

I spent last 2 years researching on schools, and talking to current and alumni. I have a good idea on where I want to go.

After years of soul-searching looking for the beacon to follow I have decided to take the plunge. The reason I’m maintaining this blog is to me on track through my pursuit for the B-School and my marathon training.


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dealornodeal said...


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